For individuals
Following optional assessment and interpretation including conventional tools like psychometrics an individual in our programme can be supported in their journey learning about themselves, who they are and who they need to become, integrating personal and professional development. We seek to take full account of their personal and social environment, their spiritual development as well as their need for professional learning.
For teams and organisations
At a group level it is also very important to avoid enforced change from the top down, but rather promote change at all levels simultaneously, in order to take along all levels of staff. In this way change and learning is seen as a positive progressive benefit to everybody concerned. Organisations approach us at various stages in their development cycle. We can:
- in partnership to identify core problems and opportunities at a strategic or operational level
- to support the design of innovative change management programmes, based on recognised needs
- design training and development utilising a tailored mix of bespoke packages or units from accredited qualifications
- deliver training and support the implementation of change within teams, networks and organisations
- provide ongoing evaluation and development for long-term sustainability