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Our Philosophy

mt_1808167Putting People First is a niche business specialising in professional and vocational training and its accreditation processes, training of trainers, and delivery of management expertise and skills. We are experts in organisational structures and dynamics and the delivery of change which empowers individuals, teams and organisations.

Behind our skill set is a philosophy of business and management embracing many post-modern ideas relating to mutuality, holism and the need for devolving power and building teams. We believe the days are over where conventional management hierarchies should exist with autocratic and insensitive leadership. Instead, we see the need for a range of intuitive and learned skills able to honour and win people, coach them into positive change and allow them to become the best they can be. Some of these abilities are naturally given whilst others are learned. But all should be inspirational.

In this sense leadership is both intuitive, as well as caught and taught. A skilled leader is one able to alternate styles to meet need. So we seek to quicken natural ability while also training individuals and groups in micro-skills like body language and the more inclusive learnt needs of social intelligence. For such deep change to be lasting it must be caught not only taught. Leadership needs to be honourable, able to build trust, express real integrity and have the capacity to make room for new leaders. For this to work, both systems and individuals need to change at the same time.